The Global Cyber threat is on the rise . Across the World the rate of cyber crime being committed has been steadily increasing and experts say this is driven by state-sponsored hackers. The situation is made worse by the open nature of the web, making it difficult to track down the attackers. While most individuals move in the safety of the herd, top companies (especially those heavily involved with high technology and also conduct broad and intensive science and technology research as well as financial companies) and governments are much more obvious targets. The sophistication of these cyber attacks which have become more prevalent is steadily evolving leaving experts to worry about the potentials of future cyber wars as governments have now stepped up their response and are spending billions in developing defensive as well as offensive capabilities. Also Companies are also investing heavily in cyber defense to protect their Intellectual property (IP). From nations, to terrorist networks, and organized crime groups the list of sponsors of cyber terrorism is long and growing. China has been named as a top source of cyber terrorism with a lot these cyber activities targeted at the militaries of other countries with an advanced Industrial base. Chinese cyber attacks also target countries with an advanced civilian Industrial base. The US Cyber Command which is it’s response to Cyber attacks against it’s military recently gained full operational status. Other countries have followed suite establishing agencies to deal with cyber threats.
Nice one